Conditioning is what you have to do to become stronger and muscular. This is an easy thing to do as you can literally sit on the floor in your room and do some conditioning while watching Netflix or listening to music. You should try to condition about every other day or even everyday if your feeling up to that. But to be honest its not that hard to do it everyday as long as you can remember to do it. You should also try to change the routine of conditioning quite often as then your body won't get used to the same routine also I would advice that some days you go easy then hard then medium and also changing the difficulty will be better for your body. This post will give you 3 different routines depending on how hard you want to push yourself, I will also put where each move should be working on/ hurting in brackets.
Easy Routine
20 second plank hold (abs)
10 squats (legs)
10 v-sits (abs)
10 triceps dips on a chair (arms)
10 mountain climbers (legs)
15 crunches (abs)
20 second wall sit (legs)
10 press-ups (arms)
15 high knee running on the spot (legs)
20 second side plank (bum)
Medium Routine
30 second dish hold (abs)
20 squats jumps (legs)
25 Russian twists (abs)
30 second wall sit
20 v-sits (abs)
25 swimmers (legs)
45 second plank (abs)
20 mountain climbers (legs)
15 press ups (arms)
15 burpees (legs)
Hard Routine
75 second plank (abs)
20 press ups (arms)
30 triceps dips on a chair (arms)
35 high knee running on the spot (legs)
40 second side plank (bum)
30 crunches (abs)
30 second lowered held press up (arms)
35 squats (legs)
25 burpees (legs)
30 v-sits (abs)
-Enjoy your lazy day C xoxo
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