Easy Routine
20 second plank hold (abs)
10 squats (legs)
10 v-sits (abs)
10 triceps dips on a chair (arms)
10 mountain climbers (legs)
15 crunches (abs)
20 second wall sit (legs)
10 press-ups (arms)
15 high knee running on the spot (legs)
20 second side plank (bum)
Medium Routine
30 second dish hold (abs)
20 squats jumps (legs)
25 Russian twists (abs)
30 second wall sit
20 v-sits (abs)
25 swimmers (legs)
45 second plank (abs)
20 mountain climbers (legs)
15 press ups (arms)
15 burpees (legs)
Hard Routine
75 second plank (abs)
20 press ups (arms)
30 triceps dips on a chair (arms)
35 high knee running on the spot (legs)
40 second side plank (bum)
30 crunches (abs)
30 second lowered held press up (arms)
35 squats (legs)
25 burpees (legs)
30 v-sits (abs)
-Enjoy your lazy day C xoxo